What's Buzzin'

The above picture was taken from: http://bctvkootenays.com/2017/06/28/fire-crews-still-battling-lightning-caused-fires-in-arrow-fire-zone-after-mondays-storm/

This post is not directed towards the average outdoors enthusiast – the ones who are respectful of the environment, plan ahead, follow the rules, and are not oblivious to their surroundings. It is intended for those who caused or contributed to what is already the worst wildfire season this Province has seen. And we have one more long weekend to get through.

Dear Outdoor User:

You naively parked in the tall dry grass, set up your campsite, started a fire, lit and tossed a cigarette, bombed around on your ATV, and/or left your stove unattended while you relaxed, explored, partied and/or headed off to bed. You either ignored or were willfully ignorant of the Province-wide fire ban and off-road driving restrictions. Read More

Women in the Outdoors

Almost two years ago, towards the end of 2015, I had wrapped up my first sport sociology course. I wrote an academic paper, Women Participation in Outdoor Recreation, and felt unbelievably empowered to change the world’s perspective on women in the outdoors through an elaborate blog post. Needless to say, there are a few issues with how women are perceived in wilderness recreation settings. Read More

A Top 10 Hikes List

Well, we’re about 2ish weeks away from September. I know, I’m as surprised as you are. Where did the time go?! I was wondering what I could offer in terms of motivation today (I’ve been studying for final exams lately – I could use a bit myself!), and I thought to run through my website analytics to share the most popular trips so far this summer. You can use this list to plan your own trips for the upcoming week, weekend, or any time before the summer comes to a screeching stop. Read More

Trip date: July 9, 2017

There’s something special about exploring new places. Rather than keeping a steady rhythm, it forces you to change your pace, position, and expectations. This has to be good for the soul.

We’re new to the Eastgate area and haven’t spent much time east of Manning Park. A few of us decided to check out Flat Top Mountain during wildflower season. The trip was on our radar, and moved up in priority due to recent condition updates. There are a few ways to approach Flat Top mountain; we approached it from Placer Lake, which allowed quick access into the alpine. Read More