Written by: Ashika MorasiewiczFiled under: Thoughts, Early Years Parenting Hi, it’s been a minute. It seems I only write when the stars align—or when my kid drops a philosophical bomb that’s too good not to share. Our daughter, N, has transformed into a bright-eyed preschooler who’s running full tilt into life. Our first Spring Break has come and gone faster than a toddler’s attention span. We kept it low-key with a staycation and soaked up as much outdoor time as possible.

Toddlerhood – The unhindered “with my inability to regulate emotions, I’m going to do whatever I want because I have no understanding of consequences yet” phase. It can be adorable, entertaining, and appalling at the same time. For a lot of parents, it’s a fluid existence where sleep becomes elusive (if it hasn’t already) and well laid plans rarely work out. You’re often left trying to make sense of things. Time spent in the mountains isn’t the same as it was, but take your little one outdoors and…